The kickback has begun. She accuses me of being a “piece of trash” who “revels in being the impetus for a suicide.” That comment comes from a previous post I made which states:
“I also know (though I sometimes tend to forget) the power of words. This really hit home for me years ago when, as a reporter, a local leader was caught embezzling from DHHR, Community Resources Inc., and the local Methodist church. I called him, told him I was working on an article covering it, and offered him the opportunity to comment. (For those of you in media, this is called “fair representation” and should be offered to every person/subject you cover.) The man offered no comment, hung up the phone, took his shotgun to his backyard, and shot himself in the head. I heard the gunshot from my office.
We never ran the article. We ran the obituary instead. But alas, I digress.”
Am I reveling? Definition: to get great pleasure from (a situation or experience). I can tell you I did not get pleasure from the experience. If it does come across as reveling, I would have to admit that it’s because of a failure in my writing skill, or the fact that I prefer to not revisit the details. I admit, if it comes across as reveling, then I have not presented it well.
Or, has she missed the point? That words can cause harm? That words have power? That on a good day, folks can handle being called “White Trash,” that some might overlook her flippant attitude and opinions towards mental illnesses, that her calling me “vile” is just her opinion. On a good day.
Hell, I’ll even admit that I might deserve (and certainly expected) such a response. But part of this endeavor is to show you her true colors. First, note that these personal posts were made on a Group Page that markets and represents a private non-profit and its board to potential donors, supporters, and grant issuers.
During my brief stint as the newspaper editor, I even contacted one of her board members who admitted, “I don’t really follow on Facebook.” I could only respond with, “Sir, I think you should.”
Second? She’s seething. She’s threatening. The grammar alone tells me she’s superbly pissed. And, one can almost say that the line, “…you should know that NO ONE accepts this form of vile behavior” is inciting others to… say… key my car and let the air out of my tires.
And, “she may not be so nice concerning the deed work...” So, does that mean she thinks this post is “nice”?
Today, for me, is a good day. At first, I was a little freaked out that my post she’s slamming saw over 1200 visitors in two hours, but I’ve had some private messages since then to reassure me. I was prepared for her response, and frankly, after three years of witnessing such against others before me, find it a predictable and pretty good example of what she’s been like.
It’s not the Foundation. It’s not the pool in the floodplain or proper paperwork or political puppets, or propaganda. It’s her and her attitude. When people tell me I am an answer to their prayers about her, you know it’s been bad.
Last I checked, I was blocked from that Facebook Group. I don’t need to even try to look anymore — anything she posts about me arrives via email or private message within minutes.
And, she accuses me of lies — so let’s examine that too.
Those “on our website” 990s? Here’s what Google has to say about that page:
Google hasn't seen this page before. This could be because the page
is private
is very new
doesn't get many visitors
And her claim that their 990s have been on the IRS website “for some time”? Even NOW (4:21 p.m., July 17, 2024) only the 990 for 2021 is listed. (To see for yourself, follow the link, set the search to look for the organization’s name, and enter “1982 Foundation.”)
So, is this manipulation? Or just right-out lies? Enquiring minds already know, and want to know how far that goes.
There is much I don’t know about 1982. There is much I do not understand. But anyone who has approached with questions has typically gotten this kind of response. That’s the whole freaking point.
Her apology to “her people” is appropriate. She’s the reason this has gone down this way. Meanwhile, I don’t find it funny what “I don’t know” and “don’t report.” What we don’t know about 1982 is what brought us to this. If she had been an “open book” as she claims above, we wouldn’t be here now.