Most of us are weary of the same old story, wondering how we can do more than survive, take charge of our communities, be more gentle with ourselves and others, and protect our families and way of life. None of the political promises or economic success models have worked in our small towns. Investments and funding often benefit the few and not the many. Nobody knows the answers anymore—too much is changing.

I have written for readers in and around central West Virginia for nearly 30 years. My words have appeared in publications at Glenville State University, The Calhoun Chronicle, The Hur Herald, The Trader’s Guide, The Charleston Anvil, Wonderful West Virginia Magazine, two local publications I no longer wish to endorse, and in Two-Lane Livin’ Magazine, which I produced and published for ten years.

I earned my Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from West Virginia Wesleyan College and hold degrees in English, Journalism, and Liberal Arts. During my three decades in the donut hole of West Virginia, I have served as a public librarian, college professor, editor, copywriter, news reporter, tutor, career counselor, and in various other traditional employment positions.

But I am happiest on the farm, in the gardens, fields, and woods, and working remotely from my home studio. I write about local issues, life in rural Appalachia, homesteading, self-reliance, and spiritual growth. Your free subscription will get new posts sent to your email address and/or feature this publication in your Substack app.

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An online space for embracing rural Appalachian life - through the GenX lens of nature, homesteading, self-exploration, and simplicity.


Happily working remotely and creatively on a secluded 400+ acre farm in central West Virginia / Appalachia. Writer, Artist, Educator, Gardener, Wife, Citizen Journalist.